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Nova York Lindy cheesecake receita deli 

The famous New York Lindy's Deli cheesecake, is made with cream cheese, heavy cream, flour, butter, egg yolks and flavored with orange and lemon zest. This cheesecake is one of the best cheesecake recipes.
Tags: raspas de laranja, açúcar, creme de queijo, os ovos, a baunilha 
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Quente e doce Peri Peri tiras de carne com macarrão Receita 

A simple, easy to make, delicious beef and noodles stir fry dish with bell peppers, mini corn and cabbage. What makes this dish special is the use of the hot Peri Peri sauce and honey.
Tags: carne, peri peri molho de cebola, pimentão, macarrão 

Vanilla receita affogato 

Affogato,  is a classic Italian dessert or beverage where ice cream is topped with a shot of Espresso coffee. Affogato comes in different variations. In this recipe, vanilla ice cream is topped with Espresso coffee and whipped cream.
Tags: heacy creme, café espresso, sorvete de baunilha 
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Spaghetti Carbonara (Spaghetti alla Carbonara) da receita 

A classic, simple, delicious Italian pasta recipe, spaghetti carbonara (Spaghetti alla Carbonara in Italian) is pasta with bacon, eggs and Parmesan cheese. This recipe is simple to make and can be ready in just 10 minutes, yet it is extremely tasty, great for lunch or dinner.
Tags: espaguete, bacon, alho, ovos, queijo parmesão 
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Chocolate chip cookies pecan receita 

Simples, de chocolate delicioso e pecan cookies, pronto em menos de uma hora. 
Tags: chocolate chips, nozes, manteiga sem sal, farinha, baunilha 

Marble cheesecake receita 

A simple, basic,, easy to make baked cheesecake recipe. The filling is made of cheese, eggs, heavy cream and chocolate.
Tags: açúcar, manteiga sem sal, requeijão, creme de leite fresco, ovos 
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estilo Texas puxou a receita de carne de porco 

A fantastic Tex-Mex pork recipe, pork shoulder is marinated in a coffee, chipotle and spices rub, slow cooked in the oven for about 8 hours until juicy and tender, then shredded and mixed with a homemade barbecue sauce. The pulled pork can be served on flour tortillas, tacos or bread rolls with jalapeno slices, mayonnaise, grated cheese or anything else you like.
Tags: ombro de porco, chiles do chipotle, pimentão, alho, cominho 
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Orange receita flan de caramelo 

A simple flan made with an orange flavored caramel sauce, flavored with vanilla essence and amaretto liqueur and served with whipped cream and toasted pecans.
Tags: açúcar, suco de laranja, ovos, leite condensado, licor amaretto 
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sino pimentos recheados receita 

Green bell pepper halves stuffed with a Tex-Mex flavored pork and meat filling, then baked in the oven until soft. This can be a great appetizer or main dish when served with Mexican fried rice, salsa and sour cream.
Tags: carne de salsicha, carne moída, arroz, alho, ovo 

Chocolate receita bolinho de queijo 

A fantastic cheesecake recipe, great for special occasions. The cheesecake is made with a chocolate cookie base filled with a cream cheese filling, topped by a sour cream mixture and finished with a chocolate glaze. A rich, delicious cheesecake that takes a bit of time and effort to make but is definitely worth it.
de manteiga sem sal, açúcar, canela, creme de queijo, ovos Tags: