Search results for recipes containing 'meatballs'

Espaguete e almôndegas receita 

A classic Italian recipe, spaghetti with meatballs cooked in a tomato sauce with herbs. Great with crusty Italian bread.
Tags: almôndegas, macarrão 

Receita de almôndegas Italiano 

Meatballs flavored with Italian herbs baked in the oven with tomato sauce, great with spaghetti or as a snack.
Tags: espaguete, almôndegas, carne moída, parmesão, alho 

Almôndegas com iogurte receita do molho picante mergulhando 

A great appetizer, spicy beef meatballs served with a spicy yogurt dipping sauce.
Tags: carne moída, ovos, hortelã, iogurte 

Receita de almôndegas mexicana Chipotle 

Hot and spicy Mexican meatballs, made with pork, bacon, chipotle chiles and spices. Chipotle chiles are smoked and dried jalapeno peppers. They can be bought dried, pickled or preserved in adobo sauce. Chipotle chiles add a smoky flavor to dishes and quite a bit of heat, if used in quantities. This dish is great as an appetizer or even a main dish, if served with rice.
Tags: pimentas de Chipotle, molho adobo, carne de porco, orégano, tomate 
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Albondigas (almôndegas mexicana) da receita 

Albondigas are Mexican meatballs, usually served in soups but they can also make a great appetizer or even a main dish. 
Palavras-chave: carne de porco, cebola, alho, pimentas de Chipotle, orégano 

Albondigas sopa (sopa de almôndegas mexicana) da receita 

Albondigas meaning meatballs in Spanish are a Mexican meatballs soup, great as a main dish for dinner or lunch. The meatballs are flavored with fresh mint leaves and this is what makes this recipe special.
Tags: carne moída, caldo de galinha, molho de tomate, cenoura, ovo