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Lemon receita do bolo de queijo 

A classic lemon cheesecake that requires the very basic ingredients and no baking. The cheesecake is made with biscuits, butter, cream cheese, lemon juice and zest, honey and icing sugar and is served topped with fresh strawberries and raspberry sauce.
Tags: biscoitos digestivos, manteiga sem sal, mel, suco de limão, açúcar de confeiteiro 
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Receita básica cheesecake de limão 

A delicious, lime flavored, baked cheesecake recipe perfect for any occasion.
Tags: queijo de creme de limão, essência de baunilha, creme de leite fresco, ovos 

Assado receita cheesecake de limão 

Um bolo de queijo assado com sabor de limão coberto com uma mistura de sour cream de baunilha. 
Tags: creme de queijo, suco de limão, açúcar, extrato de baunilha, leite 
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Frita tacos com receita de molho vermelho e verde do Chile 

This crispy fried taco recipe is the best taco recipe we have tried so far. It takes a bit of effort to make but it is worth every minute. Flour tortillas are filled with crispy fried spiced ground beef and grated cheese, rolled up and fried until crispy. The tacos are served with red and green chile sauces (recipes included) and sour cream.
Tags: tortillas de farinha, carne moída, pimentões, pimentas poblano, chiles ancho 
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Jalapeno pães de queijo receita 

Simply delicious, Texas style jalapeno and cheese rolls, great for burgers or sandwiches.
Tags: farinha, fermento, manteiga, óleo vegetal, pimentas jalapeño 
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Receita Ceviche 

A great appetizer, ceviche is fish marinated in lemon or lime juice and spices, served cold with garnishes such as pickled onions, tomatoes etc. In this Mexican variation of ceviche, the fish is marinated in lime juice, jalapeno chile, adobo sauce, red onions, cilantro and other ingredients and served with a homemade red onion salsa, tortilla chips and avocado slices.
Tags: Pacific halibut, suco de limão, cebola vermelha, cebola, jalapeno 

Green chowder receita chile 

A super easy, extremely delicious Tex-Mex green chile chowder. The chowder is made with simple ingredients such as onion, jalapeno and Poblano chiles, butter, milk and potatoes. Serve the chowder warm or cold topped with grated cheese, tortilla chips and fresh coriander.
Tags: o leite pimentas jalapeño, poblano chiles, cebola, manteiga, 

cowboy do Texas receita cookies 

Healthy, easy to make homemade cookies using rolled oats, chocolate chips and roasted pecans.
Tags: açúcar aveia, nozes, manteiga, farinha, 

abobrinha grelhada e panini receita de berinjela com pesto de manjericão 

Easy, extremely delicious Italian panini roll sandwiches with grilled vegetables and a classic basil pesto.
Tags: berinjela, abobrinha, cebola vermelha, folhas de manjericão, queijo mozzarella 
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Muffelata receita sandwitch 

Muffelata is Italian bread that is stuffed with a vinaigrette, salami, mortadella, cheese, red onion, tomato and rocket leaves. The muffelata is served cold and is a delicious alternative to the usual sandwiches.
Tags: azeitonas pretas, azeitonas verdes, salame, queijo, pão italiano 
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