Search results for recipes containing 'enchilada'

enchiladas de frango com molho de creme azedo receita 

Corn tortillas filled with shredded chicken, onion and cheese and cooked in a sour cream and tomatillo sauce. A delicious chicken enchilada dish that can be served with Mexican fried rice or other condiments for a complete meal.
Tags: peito de frango, sour cream, tortillas de milho, queijo Jack, tomatillos 

Enchiladas de frango assado na receita tomatillo molho 

A great chicken enchiladas dish in a roasted tomatillo sauce. This Tex-Mex recipe uses a filling made with chicken thighs, bell pepper, onion, tomatoes, garlic and typical Mexican spices. Corn tortillas are softened and filled witht eh chicken mixture, then topped with the roasted tomatillo sauce and cheese. They are finally baked until the cheese melts. Enchiladas are served with freshly made salsa, guacamole and sour cream.
Tags: coxas de frango, jalapeno, cebola, alho tortilhas de milho 

Chicken enchilada receita lasanha 

Enchilada lasagna is Mexican dish that looks like Italian lasagna. Instead of the pasta (that is used in Italian lasagna), corn tortillas are used in this dish. The filling is made of chicken, bell peppers and spring onions, flavored with typical Mexican spices such as cumin, paprica and oregano. The ingredients are topped with shredded cheese and a cheese bechamel (a flour based sauce flavored with cheese). The layer of ingredients is repeated once more and the dish is cooked in the oven for about an hour. The resulting dish is delicious. It has the look of Italian lasagna but tastes like enchiladas. Serve with sour cream and salsa for a complete dish.
Tags: frango, leite, queijo jack, tortillas de milho, pimentão 

Chicken enchiladas receita zacatecanas 

Another chicken enchiladas recipe using a special chile sauce called zacatecanas. Corn tortillas are lightly fried, filled with a chicken mixture and topped with a chile, cheese and sour cream based sauce. Serve with guacamole, salsa and other Mexican condiments for a complete meal.
Tags: galinha, cebola, alho, pimentas, queijos 

Galinha Receita Enchiladas 

Flour tortillas spread with a spicy tomato based sauce, topped with cooked chicken and cheese, rolled up, topped with extra tomato sauce and cheese and baked in the oven until the cheese melts. A classic Mexican recipe and is great as a main dish, served with condiments such as sour cream, tomato salsa or salsa verde and guacamole. The dish can be prepared in advance and refrigerated (do not bake until needed).
Tags: peito de frango, cominho e orégano, cebola, queijo, molho de tomate 

Chicken enchilada receita caçarola 

Chicken enchiladas casserole style. This dish is similar to enchiladas chatas (stacked enchiladas) where two or more layers of tortillas and a chicken mixture are topped with cheese and baked in the oven. The recipe uses chicken, sour cream, Picante sauce and spices as the tortilla 'filling'. You can prepare the dish in advance and refrigerate before baking.
Tags: peito de frango, pimenta em pó, creme azedo, cebolinha, molho picante 

Fácil de feijão receita enchiladas 

One of the best enchilada dishes, easy to make and extremely delicious. Corn tortillas are fried, filled with a bean mixture, rolled up, topped with an enchilada sauce and grated cheese and finally baked in the oven until the cheese melts. You can serve this dish with typical Mexican condiments as an appetizer or as a main dish.
Palavras-chave: feijão branco, cebola, alho, pimentão, queijo 
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Carne Chili receita enchiladas 

Here is another great recipe for beef enchiladas. This one uses a ground beef chili mixture to fill the tortillas. You can adjust how hot the enchilladas will be by adjusting the amount of chili used in the recipe. The tortillas are filled with cheese and chili beef, rolled up and topped with extra chili beef, cheese and onion and then baked in the oven until the cheese melts. A typical Mexican dish that is great for a main dish, or even as an appetizer.
Tags: carne moída, pimenta em pó, molho de tomate, tortilhas, queijo 

enchiladas receita vegetariana 

A simple, delicious vegetarian enchiladas dish, made with an ancho chile sauce, eggplant, zuchini and red bell pepper..
Tags: berinjela, abobrinha, cebola, pimentas ancho, tortillas 
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Fácil de queijo receita enchiladas 

Cheese enchiladas is one of the many enchilada variations, delicious and easy to make. Corn tortillas are first fried to soften up, then filled with cheese, topped with a tomato based sauce and baked in the oven for 10 minutes until the cheese melts. Cheese enchiladas are served with sour cream, salsa and guacamole and are a perfect main dish or appetizer.
Tags: queijo, salsa, tortilhas de milho, tomate, sour cream