Search results for recipes containing 'spaghetti'

Espaguete com receita do molho de limão 

An healthy spaghetti dish using a lemon and olive oil based sauce. Unlike most spaghetti recipes, the sauce in this one is not cooked; instead, fresh lemon juice together with olive oil and Parmesan cheese are used as the sauce. This is a great recipe for people who like the taste and arome of fresh lemon juice. Use good quality, fresh lemons, preferably organic.
Tags: alho, suco de limão, azeite, macarrão, salsa 

Espaguete com receita de camarão ao alho 

An easy spaghetti and garlic shrimp recipe. Use fresh, medium or large sized shrimps for best results.
Tags: camarões, alho, salsa, vinho branco, manteiga 

Spaghetti receita do molho à bolonhesa 

Bolognese (or bolognaise) sauce is one of the most well know Italian sauces for pasta. It is typically based on ground beef, celery, onion, carrot, tomatoes and a series of ingredients such as spices and seasonings that vary according to the recipe. This recipe takes some time to prepare but is one of the best recipes for bolognese sauce. You can serve the bolognese sauce over spaghetti or other type of pasta such as penne.
Tags: carne moída, aipo, cenouras, cebolas, alho 
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Bacon, tomate cereja e espinafre receita de massa 

A simple, delicious pasta recipe, great for summer. Spaghetti is tossed with fried pancetta, cherry tomatoes, baby spinach and a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. The recipe can be ready in under 15 minutes.
Tags: pancetta, tomate cereja, baby espinafre, vinagre balsâmico, espaguete